Ape Hand
Award-Winning Ape Hand Physio Near You
What is Ape Hand?
Ape hand deformity is a condition where the thumb is permanently rotated and adducted, leading to a loss of its opposable function. This deformity is primarily caused by damage to the distal median nerve, which is responsible for controlling the thumb's movements. As a result, individuals with ape hand experience difficulty in moving the thumb away from the palm and performing oppositional movements. Despite the name, this deformity does not accurately resemble an ape's hand, as apes have opposable thumbs.
Ape Hand Statistics
Ape Hand Anatomy
Ape Hand
Signs & Symptoms
Causes of Ape Hand
Risk Factors for Ape Hand
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Prevalence of Ape Hand
Assessment & Diagnosis of Ape Hand
Rehabilitation & Physiotherapy for Ape Hand
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Ape Hand FAQs
Can ape hand deformity be reversed?
Ape hand deformity can be managed with physiotherapy and, in some cases, surgery. While full reversal is challenging, early intervention can significantly improve thumb function and appearance.
What causes ape hand deformity?
Ape hand deformity is primarily caused by damage to the median nerve, often due to severe trauma or nerve compression in the arm or wrist.
How is ape hand treated?
Treatment for ape hand may include surgery, physiotherapy, dynamic splinting, and exercises designed to strengthen the thumb's muscles and restore movement.