Lower Back Pain: A Complete Guide

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Lower back pain is a common issue that affects people of all ages and lifestyles. But what exactly causes lower back pain, and how can it be treated effectively?

In this complete guide to lower back pain, we’ll answer all your key questions. Our expert physiotherapy team will walk you through the most common causes, symptoms, and treatment options available. From understanding what triggers lower back pain to learning how to prevent it, this guide offers comprehensive insights to help you manage and overcome discomfort.

Explore our London physiotherapy service today for relief from lower back pain.

What is Lower Back Pain?

Lower back pain is a condition that affects the lumbar spine, and we all experience it at some point in our lives. This area below the ribcage supports the upper body and spinal joints and helps us move, so it’s very prone to strain and injury. The pain can be mild to severe, from a dull ache to a sharp stabbing pain that makes it hard to move or stand up.

The lumbar spine is made up of 5 vertebrae, intervertebral discs, ligaments, muscles, and nerves all working together to give us stability and flexibility. The vertebrae stacked on top of each other create a framework that protects the spinal cord and allows for movement. The intervertebral discs between spinal vertebrae act as shock absorbers, cushioning everyday movements.

Lower back pain is often caused by muscle or tendon injuries. Still, it can also be caused by more severe conditions like herniated discs or spinal nerve root compression. Conditions like herniated discs can impinge on the spinal column or nerve root, causing pain. Chronic lower back pain, which persists over time, affects a big portion of the population and can severely impact daily life, making it hard to walk, sleep, or work. According to Harvard Health, back pain is one of the leading causes of missed work days and disability.

Since the lumbar region is so complex and vital, if lower back pain persists or affects daily activities, seek professional help. Lower back pain physiotherapy is a treatment option for lower back pain, offering targeted exercises and manual therapy to relieve pain, restore movement and muscle strength, and prevent future injuries. In London, lower back pain specialists can diagnose the underlying causes and provide personalised treatment plans to help you manage your pain and improve your life.

For more information on the causes and treatments of lower back pain, visit NHS’s back pain guide.

Symptoms and Causes of Lower Back Pain

Symptoms of Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain can be very different in its symptoms, and back pain affects each person differently. If you have discomfort in the lumbar region, you need to recognise the signs that need attention from a lower back pain specialist or a visit to a lower back pain clinic in London. Here are:

  • Sharp or Dull Pain: Pain can be a sharp stabbing or a dull ache that makes it hard to move or stand up.

  • Sudden Onset or Gradual Development: Some people experience acute pain that comes on suddenly after lifting something heavy or twisting awkwardly. Others may notice gradual pain without any obvious cause.

  • Radiating Pain: Pain that shoots down to the buttocks, legs, or even to the feet, indicating sciatica.

  • Stiffness and Limited Mobility: Lower back pain causes stiffness, making it hard to bend, stretch, or do daily activities.

  • Muscle Spasms: Involuntary contractions of the muscles in the lower back that cause severe pain and limited movement.

  • Postural Issues: Difficulty standing up straight, some people lean to one side or notice their lower back is flatter than usual.

  • Numbness or Weakness: In severe cases, lower back pain can be accompanied by numbness or weakness in the legs, indicating nerve involvement. These symptoms can be due to pressure on the spinal nerves.

If you have severe or persistent lower back pain, you need to see a lower back pain physio or physiotherapist who specialises in lower back pain. Early intervention can prevent the progression of symptoms and get you back to normal activities.

Causes of Lower Back Pain

At our lower back pain clinic in London, we know that lower back pain can be caused by many factors. Here are some of the most common:

  • Muscle Strain and Ligament Sprain: Caused by improper lifting, sudden movement, or repetitive stress. These injuries can cause inflammation, stiffness, and pain in the lower back.

  • Herniated Discs: A common condition where the soft center of the spinal disc bulges out of its outer layer and presses on the nerves causing pain. This is often the cause of sciatica.

  • Spinal Stenosis: The narrowing of the spinal canal, which then causes compression of the spinal cord and nerves. The result is lower back pain and nerve issues (numbness, pins and needles) in the lower back, glutes, and legs.

  • Arthritis: Conditions like osteoarthritis can wear down the cartilage between the spine’s joints, causing pain, inflammation, and stiffness. Ankylosing spondylitis is another type of arthritis that can cause chronic lower back pain.

  • Structural Issues: Problems like spondylolisthesis (where a vertebra slips out of place) and spinal fractures (often due to trauma or osteoporosis) can cause both acute and chronic lower back pain.

  • Other Causes: Lower back pain can also be caused by more serious conditions like tumors, infections, kidney stones, or even abdominal aortic aneurysm. In women, menstrual cramps and pregnancy are common temporary causes. Loss of bowel control can be a critical symptom indicating the need for urgent medical intervention.

Given the many causes, it’s important to get an accurate diagnosis and treatment. Our lower back pain clinic in London offers physio and physical therapies for lower back pain tailored to your needs to get you moving and comfortable again.

Risk Factors and Prevention of Lower Back Pain

Common Risk Factors for Lower Back Pain:

  • Age: Over 30 years old, as vertebral discs wear down with age, causing pain and stiffness.

  • Weight: BMI over 25 (overweight or obese), as it puts extra pressure on the spine and joints.

  • Poor Core Strength: Weak abdominal muscles fail to support the spine and increase the risk of back strains and sprains.

  • Lifestyle Choices: Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and physical inactivity are major risk factors for lower back pain.

  • Occupation and Activities: Jobs and hobbies that involve heavy lifting, frequent bending, or repetitive movements can increase the risk of back injuries. This is common in athletes and manual laborers.

  • Mental Health: There is a known link between depression and lower back pain, though it’s unclear which one causes the other.

  • Other Health Conditions: Osteoporosis, kidney infections, pregnancy, and traumatic injuries also increase the risk of lower back pain.

Lower Back Pain Prevention Strategies:

  • Maintain a Healthy Weight: Reducing excess weight can take pressure off the lower back and prevent pain.

  • Regular Exercise: Engage in regular physical activity, especially exercises that strengthen the back and core muscles, to reduce the risk of lower back pain.

  • Practice Good Posture: Ensure proper alignment while sitting, standing, and lifting to prevent unnecessary strain on the spine.

  • Avoid Risky Movements: Limit heavy lifting, bending, and twisting movements that can strain the back. When lifting is necessary, use proper techniques to reduce the risk of injury.

  • Seek Professional Guidance: For those with persistent pain, visit a lower back pain clinic in London or a lower back pain specialist for tailored advice and prevention strategies.

Why Prevention Matters:

Preventing lower back pain is essential for overall health and mobility. By addressing these risk factors proactively, individuals can reduce the risk of chronic pain and the need for intensive treatments like lower back pain physiotherapy.

Early intervention and preventive care from a lower back pain specialist can also manage existing conditions before they worsen and ensure a better quality of life.

For more information on lower back pain prevention, visit reputable health resources like Mayo Clinic’s low back pain prevention guide or your local lower back pain clinic in London.

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Diagnosing Lower Back Pain

Initial Assessment:

  • Physical Exam: Diagnosing lower back pain usually starts with a physical examination by a healthcare provider. This exam checks your range of motion, posture, and physical condition to find the source of pain.

  • Medical History: Your healthcare provider will take a detailed medical history, asking questions about:

    • Onset of Pain: When the pain started and if it was triggered by an event.

    • Duration: How long the pain lasts and if it’s acute or chronic.

    • Pain Triggers: What makes the pain worse or better.

Imaging Tests:

  • X-rays: X-rays are used to produce images of the bones in your spine to identify fractures, osteoarthritis, or spinal alignment issues.

  • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging): MRI uses a magnet and radio waves to produce detailed images of the bones, muscles, tendons, and other soft tissues in your lower back. This test is useful for herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and other soft tissue injuries.

  • CT Scan (Computed Tomography): CT scan combines X-rays with computer technology to produce 3D images of your spine and surrounding structures. This test provides more detail than standard X-rays, especially for complex cases.

Nerve Function Tests:

  • Electromyography (EMG): EMG tests the function of your nerves and muscles to detect neuropathy (nerve damage) that may be causing pain, tingling, or numbness in your lower back.

  • Nerve Conduction Studies: These tests measure how well and how fast the nerves in your lower back conduct electrical impulses to pinpoint nerve damage.

Additional Tests:

  • Blood Tests: Blood tests can detect genetic markers for conditions like ankylosing spondylitis, which causes chronic lower back pain.

  • Urine Tests: Urine tests are used to check for kidney stones or infections that can cause pain in the lower back area.

Comprehensive Diagnosis:

Given the many causes of lower back pain, diagnosing can take time. A thorough and accurate diagnosis is crucial for developing a treatment plan. Visiting a lower back pain specialist at a reputable lower back pain clinic in London can ensure all possible causes are explored, and the right tests are done.

Why Professional Diagnosis Matters:

Accurate diagnosis is key to treatment. A physio specialising in lower back pain can work with your healthcare provider to develop a personalised treatment plan based on the results of these tests.


Management and Treatment of Chronic Pain in Lower Back

Self-Care and Initial Treatments:

  • Rest and Activity: Mild to moderate lower back pain usually improves with a few days of rest, followed by a gradual return to normal activities. Staying active is key as it increases blood flow to the affected area and promotes healing.

  • Over-the-Counter (OTC) Pain Relievers: Medications like acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen can relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

  • Cold and Heat Therapy: Ice packs or heat pads can help manage pain and stiffness.

When to Seek Medical Attention:

  • If your back pain is severe or follows a traumatic event like a fall, you should seek immediate medical attention from a lower back pain specialist at a lower back pain clinic in London.

  • Persistent or worsening pain should be evaluated by a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause and treatment.

Lower Back Pain Physio:

  • Strengthening Exercises: Physio for lower back pain focuses on strengthening the back and core muscles, improving flexibility and posture. This can prevent future injuries and manage existing pain.

  • Manual Therapy: Techniques like massage, spinal manipulation, and mobilisation are used by physiotherapists to alleviate pain, improve alignment, and restore function.

  • Pain Management: Physio also includes modalities like ice, heat, and ultrasound therapy to reduce pain and inflammation.


  • NSAIDs and Muscle Relaxants: If OTC medications are not enough, your healthcare provider may prescribe stronger NSAIDs or muscle relaxants to relieve back spasms.

  • Prescription Pain Relievers: In some cases, short-term use of prescription pain relievers like codeine may be recommended, but these should be used with caution due to the risk of dependency.

  • Antidepressants: Some antidepressants may be prescribed for chronic lower back pain as they can help manage pain and improve sleep.

Alternative Therapies:

  • Acupuncture: This traditional Chinese medicine technique can relieve lower back pain by stimulating specific points on the body.

  • Sports Massage Therapy: Regular massage can relax tight muscles, improve circulation, and reduce pain.

  • Yoga and Pilates: These exercises focus on stretching, strengthening, and flexibility, which can be beneficial for lower back pain management.

Injections and Advanced Procedures:

  • Epidural Steroid Injections: For severe cases, especially those with sciatica, an epidural injection can provide significant pain relief by reducing inflammation around the nerves.

  • Radiofrequency Denervation: This procedure is used for chronic lower back pain that hasn’t responded to other treatments. It involves using radiofrequency energy to disrupt the nerves transmitting pain signals.

  • Surgical Options: Surgery is usually a last resort and is considered only for specific conditions like a herniated disc or spinal stenosis that haven’t improved with other treatments. Minimally invasive techniques are often preferred to reduce recovery time and risks.

Psychological Support:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Chronic lower back pain can be emotionally challenging. CBT helps patients develop coping strategies and maintain a positive outlook, which is crucial for recovery.

  • Relaxation Techniques: Practices like deep breathing and meditation can manage pain and reduce stress associated with chronic lower back pain.

Customised Treatment Plans:

  • At a lower back pain clinic in London, treatment is tailored to each patient’s condition and needs. A lower back pain specialist will guide you through the best treatment options for your pain, whether it’s acute or chronic.

  • Multidisciplinary Care: A comprehensive approach may involve collaboration between physiotherapists, pain management specialists, and surgeons to achieve the best outcome for your condition.

Prevention of Lower Back Pain

  • Maintain a Healthy Weight:

    • Excess weight puts extra pressure on your vertebrae and discs, increasing the risk of back pain. Being at a healthy weight can reduce this pressure and prevent back problems.

  • Strengthen Core and Back Muscles:

    • Do regular exercise like Pilates to strengthen your abdominal, hip, and back muscles that support your spine. A strong core is key to preventing injuries that can cause back pain.

    • See a physio for back pain, and they can help you create a targeted exercise program to strengthen these key muscle groups.

  • Lift Safely:

    • When lifting heavy objects, always lift with your legs, not your back. Hold objects close to your body, and don’t twist your torso while lifting. Proper lifting is key to preventing back pain.

    • If you lift regularly at work, see a back pain specialist or visit a lower back pain clinic in London for personalised advice and techniques.

  • Warm Up Before Exercise:

    • Before any exercise or sport, take the time to warm up with some gentle stretches. This gets your muscles and joints ready for activity and reduces the risk of strain or injury to your back.

  • Good Posture:

    • Whether you’re sitting at a desk or standing for long periods, good posture is key to preventing back pain. Make sure your workstation is set up ergonomically with your chair, desk, and computer screen in the right place.

    • Regularly moving and changing position can also help prevent the discomfort of sitting for long periods.

  • Stay Active:

    • Being active is one of the best ways to keep your back healthy and pain-free. Aim for a mix of cardio, strength, and flexibility exercises to keep your spine healthy.


Outlook and Prognosis for Back Pain

Factors to Consider:

The prognosis for back pain depends on:

  • The underlying cause of the pain.

  • The severity of the pain.

  • Duration of the pain (acute vs. chronic).

  • How well your body responds to treatment.

  • Your age and overall health.


Most people with back strains or sprains will recover without long-term problems if treated properly.

However, there is a risk of recurrence; many will have another episode of back pain within a year.

Chronic Back Pain:

For those with chronic back pain or conditions like arthritis and osteoporosis, symptoms may persist or worsen over time. Early intervention and consistent management are key to preventing deterioration.

Back pain specialists at a back pain clinic in London can offer advanced treatment options, including physical therapy, medications, and minimally invasive procedures to manage chronic conditions and reduce pain.


In some cases, surgery may be necessary, especially for those with structural issues like herniated discs or spinal stenosis that don’t respond to conservative treatments. While surgery carries risks, it can be effective in relieving pain and improving quality of life for those with severe or persistent back pain.

Long-Term Management:

Ongoing care, including physical therapy and lifestyle changes, is often necessary to manage chronic back pain effectively. Seeing a back pain specialist can help create a long-term plan that addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of pain management.

For more information on medical conditions and the outlook for back pain, visit Mayo Clinic’s back pain page or see a healthcare professional at a back pain clinic in London.

From One Body LDN

At One Body LDN, we are London’s top back specialist physio clinic for lower back pain. We know how painful back pain can be and how it can affect your life. Our team of experienced physios is here to provide you with bespoke care to suit your needs, so you get the best treatment possible.

We have a variety of treatments to help you with pain and mobility and get you back to living your life. Whether you have acute pain or a chronic condition, our specialists are here to support you every step of the way.

To make your medical treatment as convenient as possible, we accept all private health insurance. So you can focus on your recovery, not the cost of your care.

Book now with London’s top back pain specialists at One Body LDN. Move better, live pain-free, live more.

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Lower Back Pain Physiotherapy FAQs

Lower back pain can result from muscle strain, poor posture, herniated discs, spinal stenosis, arthritis, or degenerative disc disease. Heavy lifting and sitting for long periods may also contribute.

See a doctor if pain persists beyond two weeks, worsens, or includes symptoms like numbness, weakness, or radiating leg pain, as these could indicate a more serious issue.

Exercises like pelvic tilts, hamstring stretches, and core-strengthening routines help relieve pain by improving flexibility and strengthening muscles that support the spine.

Yes, poor posture—whether standing, sitting, or sleeping—can strain the lumbar region, leading to chronic lower back pain over time.

Diagnosis may include a physical exam, patient history review, and imaging tests like X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs to identify the underlying cause of pain.

Treatments range from physical therapy, hot/cold therapy, and pain medication, to chiropractic care or surgery in more severe cases. Consistent exercise can also provide long-term relief.

Yes, stress can cause muscle tension in the lower back, leading to pain or exacerbating existing discomfort. Stress management techniques can help alleviate this.

Prevention includes maintaining proper posture, engaging in regular physical activity to strengthen core muscles, lifting objects correctly, and using ergonomic furniture to reduce strain on the spine.

Lower Back Pain Treatment Resources

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Lower Back Pain Physiotherapy Coverage with Major Insurers

At One Body LDN, we are an AXA-recognised physiotherapy clinic, offering personalised care for AXA insurance holders. Discover AXA-approved lower back pain physio treatments.

Our clinic is an approved Bupa provider, offering top-tier physiotherapy services for Bupa members. Learn more about Bupa lower back pain physio treatments.

Cigna insurance holders can access our comprehensive physiotherapy services to support their recovery and wellness. Find out more about Cigna lower back pain physio treatments.

One Body LDN is a recognised WPA physiotherapy provider, offering expert care for all your needs. Explore WPA lower back pain physio treatments.

We offer a range of physiotherapy services to Healix insurance members, supporting them on their recovery journey. Discover Healix lower back pain physio treatments.

Vitality insurance members can access personalised physiotherapy treatment at One Body LDN. Explore Vitality lower back pain physio treatments.

Allianz members can receive expert physiotherapy services at One Body LDN for a variety of conditions. Learn more about Allianz lower back pain physio treatments.

Aviva insurance holders can trust One Body LDN for comprehensive physiotherapy services and easy insurance handling. Read about Aviva lower back pain physio treatments.

At One Body LDN, Westfield Health members receive expert physiotherapy care designed to support recovery. Find out about Westfield Health lower back pain physio treatments.

We provide specialised physiotherapy for Aetna members, ensuring smooth insurance processing and excellent care. See Aetna lower back pain physio treatments.

One Body LDN provides physiotherapy services for Health Shield members, focusing on effective recovery and treatment. Check out Health Shield lower back pain physio treatments.

If you’re covered by Simplyhealth, our clinic offers a wide range of physiotherapy treatments to suit your needs. Learn more about Simplyhealth lower back pain physio treatments.